North Carolina Collection, Wilson Library
University of NC -
Chapel Hill
Our generous donor: Martha Mewborn Marble
North Carolina Collection, Wilson Library University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill Used with permission This Collection consists of three boxes, most documents related to the business of John Simpson, who was a merchant and ship owner. There are numerous letters to and from Boston in the early to late 1700's. This Collection was read ONLY for genealogical information, deeds, wills, and other similar documents. BOX 2 Will of John Hardee [has been published in the Pitt County Family Researchers Quarterly, PCGQ, May 1999] 1. Partial original Will of FURNIFOLD GOODING - beloved wife MARY GOODING, everything, both real and personal - daughter SIDNEY FONVILLE GOODING when age 18 and then to be divided between my wife and daughter - Negro woman ROSE to be sold and money raised to be used to purchase a Negro boy - wife MARY to be executor Written day and year above - no further information Craven County Court March Term 1778 2. Pitt County - Article of Agreement entered - ---- April 1778 between JOHN SIMPSON of County above, merchant and BENJAMIN CORY, ROBERT HARDEE and ISAAC HARDEE of the other part --- for and in consideration of the right the aforesaid JOHN SIMPSON hath to claim a certain tract of vacant land adj his own lines, ____ DIXON'S line, JOSIAH HARDEE'S line, ISAAC HARDEE'S line - 400 acres ---- I JOHN SIMPSON to cut down, fell and take from aforesaid tract any trees suitable for plank or ?? - for the sum of one thousand dollars--- further consideration that JOHN SIMPSON shall log at his mill any logs for planks that either or any of the parties may fall for the erection of any building for the improvements of either plantation for one penny and thousand Signed BENJ. COREY, ROBERT HARDEE, ISAAC HARDEE WIT JOHN (X) ENLOE JOSIAS HARDEE To Pitt County Court April 1779 - proved on oath of JOHN ENLOE HENRY ELLIS, CLERK Enrolled Registers Office Book H p 12 JOHN SIMPSON, Register NOTE: This abstract is found in Ellison's Abstracts of Pitt County; however, that abstract does not include the adjacent neighbors 3. Inventory of estate of JOHN SIMPSON, Taxable property - April __, 1785 ?? [There is a list of land owned which is rather lengthy] Inventory of estate of WILLIAM MOORE, Esq, taxation - April 1785 ? 600 acres of woodland, negro man MANKS, Negro wench, CELIA and young child 4. BILL of SALE - WILLIAM HARDEE to SAMUEL SIMPSON 10 August 1798 - Bill of Sale - WILLIAM HARDEE of PITT to SAMUEL SIMPSON - twenty pds spice - all my cropes growing on plantation where I now dwell to wit. Pease, pototos, cotton, also one tar kiln that stands on land of BENJAMIN PATRICK near THOMAS SLAUGHTERS plantation, also one bed and furniture, 2 cows and calves, one bay mare about nine years of age signed WIT ROBERT HARDEE To Court Jan Term 1790 (sic) 5. Pitt County Court 1789 MARY HERN exec of MICHAEL HERN vs JAMES EASTON & JOSIAH WRIGHT - def Judgement conferred by the Def in sum of 320..4..4 (No further information) JOSEPH ROSS ? vs JAMES EASTON & JOSIAH WRIGHT - Judgement confessed by DEF for sum of 127 pounds 6 shillings &2 9sic) with costs Judgement truly copied from Docket & that the Executors are not to be found in this office GEORGE EVANS, Clerk 6. 3 March 1791 - Twelve months after date we jointly and severally promise to pay unto JAMES ARMSTRONG and ELIZABETH HARDEE administrators to the estate of JOHN HARDEE, dec the sum of twenty pounds five shillings, it being for the hire of a Negro man, HECKTON, and we are to find said Negro two shirts, two trousers, one jacket, one hat and one blanket and to pay his taxes for the present year JOSIAH WRIGHT SAML. SIMPSON WIT GIDEON MOYE BOX 3 1. State of NC, Lenoir Co - To the Constable Greeting. You are hereby commanded to cause FRANCIS CASWELL and JOHN GATLIN before me or some other Justice of the Peace to show cause if any, they have why they delay paying of the administration of JONATHAN HARRIS, dec the sum of twenty pounds (smudged) note herein jails not and this shall be your present warrent given under my hand and seal this 12 September 1797 ? BRIGHT, JP 2. Twelve months after date we jointly and severally do promise to pay unto WILLIAM COX, guardian to the orphans of JOHN COX, dec the just sum of six pounds, 14 shillings for the hire of Negro boy, BOB, which Negro we do obligate to furnish with the customary clothing for the year and pay his taxes - 1 December 1798 [Signature is torn off] On the back of the document the name JA. HOUSTON and JNO. BELL appear 3. Craven Co - whereas JOSEPH LOFTIN complains that SPIVES ? HEATH owes him 5 pounds - 1 May 1800 Summons to PETER WINGATE by GEO. LANE, JP 4. JAMES BRYAN, executor to the estate of JAS. JASPER - board and tuition of JOHN JASPER [- there are several bills in 1800] 5. JOHN HOLAWAY to JAMES BRYAN - 38 pounds - sold mare - 3 May 1800 WIT JAMES OLIVER 6. JAMES BRYAN and JAMES WILSON owned a schooner - FAIR AMERICA - which sailed to Guadaloupe in 1803 6. An account on hire of ELIZA GRAY's negroes - 2 March 1805 - hired out to SAM. SIMPSON, JOSEPH LOFTIN, GEORGE LANE, JOSEPH WEST USGENWEB NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the Internet, data may be used by non- commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material. These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or for presentation by other persons or organizations. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material for purposes other than stated above must obtain the written consent of the file contributor, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by: Martha M. Marble
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