Pitt County NC pitt county map


Our generous donor: John Bryan Grimes


    This cemetery was originally detailed by Clarice Mills & Bill Kittrell of 
Pitt Co., NC.  On October 18th, John B. Grimes, Clarice and Howard Mills, 
Arlene and Art Wills, resurveyed this cemetery and again on March 13, 1999, 
finding additional headstones, several of which were excavated. Located east
of Grimesland.

    The current home was built on the foundation of the original Laughinghouse 
home which burned in 1910.  Shortly thereafter, the Laughinghouses moved to 
Greenville, NC.  Stories from family members indicate the existence of a 
Cemetery for Blacks.  It is believed that this cemetery lies further East 
and possibly a bit North of the known Laughinghouse cemetery but has not 
been located.

    The following three lists of the 23 graves (one of which is marked with an 
un-inscribed, blank stone) is presented in the first list by row and 
details the information on the Gravestones.  The other two lists are 
abbreviated and are in either alphabetical order or birth order to ease 
research.  At this date (Mar 17, 1999 - the information has not been 
verified from photos taken on Mar 13, 1999.)

   Row 1

1-1.  Wm Rhodes, son of Joseph Henry and Mary Ann Laughinghouse.  
      BORN  Sept. 8, 1842.        DIED  Aug 24, 1861. 
      They loved him best who knew him best.

1-2.  Jessie M., son of Joseph Henry & Mary Ann LAUGHINGHOUSE 
      BORN  Apr, 20,1845       DIED    Oct, 7, 1859
      He giveth His beloved sleep. 

1-3.  In Memory of James Edward LAUGHINGHOUSE, son of Fenner B. &
      Anna Elizabeth SATTERTHWAITT       BORN  January 15th, 1844,
      DIED    April, 25th 1844      Blessed is the Kingdom of Heaven

1-4.  Richard H., Son of Joseph H. & Mary Ann Laughinghouse.
      BORN  Dec. 18, 1848      DIED    Jan. 11, 1849      Age 24 D's. 

1-5.  James E., Son of Joseph H. & Mary Ann LAUGHINGHOUSE 
      BORN  Jan. 2, 1856      DIED    Sep. 9, 1856      Aged 8 Mos 7 D'ys.

1-6.  Infant son of Joseph H. & Mary Ann Laughinghouse      BORN  Mar. 24, 1858
      DIED    July 5, 1858      Aged 3 Mos. 19 D's

1-7.  Mary Ann, Wife of Joseph Henry LAUGHINGHOUSE and daughter of
      Jessie M. & Elizabeth CHERRY       BORN  July 8, 1819
      DIED    Apr, 1, 1863
      His children arise up and call her blessed,  Her husband also he
      praiseth her.1-8.  Mary Cherry
      Daughter of Joseph Henry & Mary Ann Laughinghouse
      BORN   Mar, 10, 1863,      DIED     Mar, 30, 1863.
      Suffer little children to come unto me.Row 2

2-9.  Mary Ann, daughter of Joseph Henry & Mary Ann LAUGHINGHOUSE 
      BORN  July 4, 1860.      DIED   Aug, 5, 1860.
      Safe in the arms of Jesus

2-10. Joseph Henry LAUGHINGHOUSE, son of Edward & Alice LAUGHINGHOUSE 
      BORN  Mar. 21, 1814,      DIED   Nov. 14, 1862
      His many virtues form the noblest monument to his memory.

2-11.  Erected by Edward LAUGHINGHOUSE, in memory of his father John 
LAUGHINGHOUSE (on stone it is spelled Langhinghouse) who was born February 
4th, 1757 and died August 29th, 1831.  Revolutionary soldier who carried to 
his grave scars received while fighting for the Independence of his country 
He also lived and died an honest man. 

2-12. Infant - son of William J. & Susan Laughinghouse       BORN  Jan 16, 1836
      Ag'd 7 Dys.2-13. Infant son of Wm J. & Susan LAUGHINGHOUSE 
      BORN, May 1837 Ag'd 1 Mo.

2-14. Susan, Daughter of Major & Penelope WILLIS & Wife of Wm.J. 
      LAUGHINGHOUSE       BORN  May 5, 1812       DIED.Jan. 2, 1840
      Ag'd 27Y's. 7M's. 27D's

2-15. James F., son of Wm. J. & Susan LAUGHINGHOUSE       BORN  Dec. 31, 1839
      DIED  Aug.     1840   7 mos.
      (the day date was intentionally left blank on the grave marker.)

2-16. John E. Son of Joseph H. & Mary Ann LAUGHINGHOUSE 
      BORN  Nov. 24, 1839        DIED    Feb. 12, 1841
      Ag'd 1 Y'r 2 M's 18 D'sRow 3

3-17. Alice Nelson, wife of Edward Laughinghouse.      BORN  Apr, 12, 1791
      DIED       1868.      "The Memory of the just is blessed."
      (Month and day of death intentionally left off of grave marker)

3-18. Erected to the memory of Edward LAUGHINGHOUSE 
      BORN  March 3rd,  1786,      DIED    January 31st 1852
      He was an example of Industry; Strict Integrity; pure Honesty and 
      Life of christian piety.
      (This is a low, brick vault and the top had been moved and broken. 
      Alice Nelson was his wife.)

3-19. Sacred to the Memory of Wyatt David Laughinghouse      BORN  May 8, 1817
      Departed this life, June 7, 1819.3-20. Blank Stone

3-21. Sacred to the memory of Balsora NELSON       BORN  Dec. 16, 1802
      Departed this life Sept. 12, 1824.

3-22. Erected to the memory of Elcy NELSON       BORN  Sept. 27th 1761
      DIED  Jan. 3D 1839.3-23. Thomas J. Bulluck
      Son of Thomas J. & Ann Bulluck      BORN  Mar. 4, 1840
      DIED  July 2, 1852      Aged 12 Yrs. 3M's. 29D's

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