Martin County was formed in 1774 from Halifax and Tyrrell counties. Martin County was named in honor of Josiah Martin, the last Royal Governor of North Carolina, 1782-1785 and 1789-1792. It is in the eastern part of North Carolina bounded by Beaufort, Bertie, Edgecombe, Halifax, Pitt and Washington counties. In 1779 Williamston, first called Squhawky or Skewarky, was laid out and is now the county seat
DEED - John WYNNS - to daughter, Nancy & William Clark John Wynns - Will dated 1846/8
Adams, Allsbrook, Alston, Ambrose, Andrews, Bailey, Ballard, Barnhill, Beach, Bellflower, Biggs, Bloodworth, Bowers, Briley, Bryan, Chappel, Cherry, Clark, Congleton, Cooper, Corey, Cory, Couch, Crisp, Eastwood, Ellis, Faithful, Faithfull, Forehand, Freeman, Gay, Gray, Griffin, Gurganus, Hart, Hasty, Hobbs, Holland, House, Howell, Hutchins, Jenkins, Jones, Keel, kelly, King, Kirsch, Lanier, Leggett, Lilly, Llewellyn, Long, Martin, McCaskey, Mean, Mitchell, Moore, Mooring, Murry, Page, Peele, Perry, Philpott, Pierce, Pollard, Price, Rawls, Reddick, Roberson, Robason, Roberts, Robertson, Rogers, Roles, Rowles, Rollins, Ross, Roundtree, Rushmore, Sallenger,Savage, Sherrill, Sherrod, Simpson, Sitterson, Smithwick, Snipes, Stalling, Stalls, Staton, Taylor, Thomas, Walker, Wallace, Ward, Warren, Weathersby, Weathersbee, Weathey, Whitley, Willins, Wildinson, Williams, Willis
Ray Gurganus Research - Many Families here. Marriages and Death Notices Diggin For Roots Passenger Lists of Ships Arriving in North Carolina Hardison Family
G.& H. Building Supply R.L. Ward Coal Co. The Proctor Shoppe White's Heating & Sheet Metal Works Manning & Gurkin Welch Auto Supply Gurkin & Coltrain Building Contractors Darden's Department Store Ward's Florist Hopkins Shoe Store Martin Feed Mills J.Edward Corey Corey Plumbing Company Griffin Motor Company Williamston Peanut Company Royal Studio Lindsey Implement Co. Haywood Price Masonry Work Roanoke Dixie & Planters Warehouses Olin Mathiseson Chemical Corp. Central Restaurant Davis Pharmacy Williamston Supply Co. Peele Jewelrys Blue Star Cleaners George M. Peele Market Riddick Equipment Co. Willard's Shoe Shop Twilite Drive In Theatre Lindsley's Checkerboard Store Charles H. Jenkins & Co. Ward's Market Roanoke Real Estate and Auction Co. Hilo Oyster Bar Zemon's Griffin's Quick Lunch Margolis Brothers Roanoke Chevrolet Co. Baker Oil Co. Watts Theatre Boco Service Center Muse Jewelry Co. Southern Diner David Moore's Grocery Wheeler Manning Insurance Agency W.I.Skinner & Co. Alpha Cleaners Roanoke Lockers INC Mobley Insurance Agency Dell-Mars Beauty Shop Martin-Elliott Co. Harrison Oil Co. Manning and Peel, TV Dixie Motor Co. Guaranty Bank and Trust Co. Belk-Tylers Williamston Motor Co. Parker's Self-Service Laundry Colonial Oil Co. Collins Department Store Enterprize Publishing Co. Viccar Theatre Carolina Yam Distribuitors Ann's Specialty Shop Home Laundry & Cleaners Williamston Packing Co. Martin Supply Co. Branch Banking & Trust Co. Leder Brothers Western Auto Associate Store & Williamston Bottle Gas Co. Heilig-Meyers Furniture Co. McLawhorn's Lullaby House and McLawhorn's Furniture Store J.R. Rogers Harrison & Carstarphen House of Fashion Clark's Pharmacy S. & V Supermarket Bullock's Eagle's Store Leggetts J.D. Harrison Insurance Agency East Side Service Station
I remember so well growing up in Williamston. My father owned Millers B.F. Goodrich store, and the memories that I have of my old "home town" are as precious today as they were when the memories were made. I remember the town swimming pool, where we all use to gather during the summer when school was out. I remember Marshall Ave, where I lived and all the friends that lived on that street. We made our own "fun" in those days, chasing bats, catching lightening bugs or just hanging out at someones house. We didn't have computers or all the modren conviences that we do today. I remember thinking that the street looked so wide, and recently when I made a stop in good old Williamston, I was surprised to see just how narrow the streets are. All the familiar faces are gone now, some have been dead for years, but I still hold Williamston dear to my heart, for it was the town of my childhood. By BJ Rountree
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