Will of Thomas USHER 1823 Richmond Co.NC. I Thomas USHER of Richmond County & State of North Carolina do on the 26 of April 1823 constitute and ordain this my last will & Testament in manner following Viz- in the first place I wish my Son Samuel USHER and Mathews Cooper to enjoy the same privileges on these respective Plantations as they now do by clearing as much Land as will be necessary for them & joining their present improvements which is all I intend to do for them till a division takes place as shall be hereafter named-- As to my wife Anne USHER & four youngest children William, John, Anne & Thomas my desire is that they shall enjoy my possessions where I now live including all the cleared land on the creek which I now have in cultivation & as much mone as they may deem necessary to clear together with all my negroes Sabo, Haily, Hannah & Ned, stock of every kind, household furniture Plantation utensils & whatever also assertaineth unto me to be used by them for their mutual Support & Should they make anything mone by their industry let them equally divide it among themselves--in this way I wish my wife & your youngest children to enjoy whatever I now possess for their use & ? until the winter of 1833 when I want an equal division to take place between my wife and all my children now living either by sale of the property or otherwise at the discretion of my executors--provided nevertheless if my wife should change her life from a single to a married state before the time of division aforementioned. Then the division to take place as soon as convenient after her marriage at the discretions of my executors--Should any unforeseen expenses arise from the increase of the Negroes or any unavoidable troble in raising them take place It will be in the power of my executors to allow the proper persons some reasonable compensation for sd trouble or expense over and above their equal part. I also constitute and ordain Stephen Williams & Joseph Chairs executors to this my last will & Testament in witness whereof I Thomas USHER the testator have ? my hand & seal-date above written executed in person-- Thomas USHER (seal) John ? WLeod [or could it be McLaen?] Joseph Cheaves (x) Stephen Williams (x) Transcribed from original by Diane Mason. =================================== Notes: *He does not name dau Elizabeth b.abt 1790 d.aft 1850 who married Matthew Cooper. *Samuel and Elizabeth were probably from a previous marriages as he wording suggest. *In 1790 census is a James USHER and a Samuel USHER--likely of the same family..perhaps siblings. *A researcher suggest he likely died in Holmes Co, MS --another suggest Richmond Co.NC. *Thomas was born abt 1755/65 and died abt 1825. Born Likely, Queen's county, Ireland. *01/16/1793 Thomas USHER may have been living along "Big Buffellow" creek on land bordered by: Samuel Chairs, Daniel McDonald, William Hendly & Charles Robinson. *June 1803 Thomas USHER's name drawn to serve on next jury. *Son : Samuel USHER married Elizabeth Bostick, dau of William Bostick and Naomi Sprolls. *Granddau of Solomon Sprolls(Sprawls) abt:1747-1822 & Mary Ann Thompson b. abt 1750. ===================================== Census records for Thomas USHER: 1785 census - 2 males ages 21-60 & 1 female all ages 1790 census - 1 male 16 & up & 2 females all ages. 1800 census - 2 males under 10 --1 male 10-16 & 1 male 26-45 & 3 females under 10 & 1 female 10-16 & 1 female 45 up. 1810 census- 2 males under 10 & 1 male 45 up & 1 female under 10 & 2 females 10-16 & 1 female 26-45 1820 census - 2 males under 10 & 1 male 10-16 & 1 male 45 up & 1 female under 10 & 2 females 26-45. ======================================= Will of John USHER 1811 New Hanover Co. Mentions brother Jas USHER and sister Ann USHER. He left gun his daddy left to him. ======================================== Verbal Will of William USHER 1780 of Richmond Co. Mentions wife and children. John Jonston -Executor ========================================= PICTURE: http://www.ncroots.com/Diane/USHERbennettsm.jpg Mary Anne USHER and husband George Washington Bennett (1814-1906) Picture. Buried at : Bennett-Stutts cemetery . ========================================= Samuel USHER married Elizabeth Bostick. At least one child of Samuel was: Mary Ann USHER Bennett b.09/21/1821 d. 03/10/1907 Could a William Bostick USHER be a child too? ================================================= From NC Gen Soc Journal Vol. 12 p. 224& 227. N.C. Marriages & Deaths from the U.S. Catholic Miscellaney, June 1822 - July 1852. (1) James USHER died on the 2nd of Feb. 1831 at Wilmington NC in the 56 year of his age, Esq. a native of Queen's County In Ireland. He was a member of the Board of General Trustees of the Roman Catholic Church of NC at the time of his death. (2) James USHER, Jr. died, Lately at South Washington, NC. Esq. a young gentleman of great promise (21 July 1824). (3) William USHER, Jr. married Eliza Love at South Washington, NC on the 12th of January 1832 by Rev. John Maginnis, She is the oldest daugther of William Love, both of that town. From NC Gen Soc. Journal Vol. 13 p. 222 Return of Wills and Administrations granted in NC 1753-90. Beaufort Co: Court date June 1766: decedent, Easter Crossley: administration granted to William USHER [50lb.bond] securities: Peter BLin & Phineas Latham. =================================================== =================================================== Sulpher Springs Church Cemetery Montgomery County, NC This "Old Cemetery" is located near Candor, NC off SR # 1580 about .9 mile from the end of the pavement. Turn left and follow a dirt road through the orchard to a metal gate at the lower side. Turn at metal gate and follow the dirt road to the cemetery. (non bostick & USHER graves deleted) USHER, Elizabeth 10/24/1792- 5/11/1880 wife of Samuel USHER USHER, J. B. Dr. *CSA 3/1/1836 -2/12/1914 USHER, Sarah L. 3/3/1844 -5/26/1899 wife of Dr. J. B. USHER USHER, James S. 9/1/1866 -4/14/1903 USHER, Janie Bostic 3/24/1873 -3/16/1948 wife of William T. USHER USHER, Samuel 9/1/1791 - 1/3/1889 USHER, S. A. E. 8/26/1837 -3/6/1884 wife of S. T. USHER USHER, William T. 2/5/1868 -11/23/1945 ===================================================== RICHMOND COUNTY TAX LISTS 1779-1838 ( I know...too many years.) Abstracted from Original Records - NC Archives, Raleigh, N.C. William Bostick 250 acres John Bostick 200 Nathaniel Bostick James Bostick Jun. 158 James USHER 100 Peter Ussery 110 Thomas USHER 200 Samuel USHER 350 ===================================================== http://home.att.net/~hbridges/toc1.htm Richmond County NC Estate Book I ELIJAH BOSTICK - 1842 89 ELISHA BOSTICK - 1842 95 JAMES BOSTICK - 1824 97 JAMES BOSTICK - 1855 97 JAMES M. BOSTICK - 1865 100 JOHN H. BOSTICK - 1904 102 THOMAS BOSTICK - 1832 103 TRISTRAM BOSTICK - 1876 104 WILLIAM BOSTICK - 1830 105 NAOMI BOSTICK - 1853 107 WILLIAM BOSTICK - 1859 107 *sorry I don't have the USHER HERE IN THIS FILE above> ============================================= RICHMOND COUNTY NC TESTATORS 1782-1900 Bostick Elisha 1843 3/4 Bostick James 1854 1/248 Bostick John 1799 1/71 Bostick Solomon 1884 6/279 Bostick Tristram 1876 6/138 Bostick William 1829 1/311 USHER Thomas 1825 1/265 Ussery William D. 1892 6/444 ============================================== MARRIAGES in Richmond Co. NC Harry Jonathan to USHER Elizabeth 13 July 1783 Nathaniel Powell Hory Jonathan to USHER Elizabeth 13 Jan 1783 Nathaniel Powell, Wm. Love, Clk. ============================================== ID: I1324 Name: Thomas USHER Birth: ABT. 1757 Death: 1825 in Richmond, NC Marriage 1 Ann (USHER) b: 1761 in Bristol, RI Married: ABT. 1775 ChildreN: 1. Hannah USHER b: ABT. 1786 in South Carolina ============================================= ============================================= WILL of WILLIAM BOSTICK whose daughter:Elizabeth married Samuel USHER: In the name of God Amen. I William Bostick sr. of the county of Richmond and the state of North CArolina. Being of perfect and sound mind and memory. Thanks be to God. and knowing the mortality of my body. do make. and publish this my last will and testament in manner and from following- (viz) Item 1 To my beloved wife Naomi. I leave one half of the lands. on which I live. Including the Dwelling house and grist mill. during her natural Life. and at her death. I wish the said Land to belong to my son Tristram Bostick. also I leave to my beloved wife the Negroes. Charles. Gin Lucy and Milly with her Increas which said negroes I leave her to be at her own disposal during her life and at her death I want the remaining part of said negroes sold. and their proceeds equally divided among my surviving heirs. Excepting half of the negro Milley Increase which I wish my son Trisham to have over and above an Equal share with the rest of my heirs-- Item 2nd To my son Solomon Bostick I leave the Lands Lying East of the Creek with the Exception of ten acres adjoining the mills which 10 acres I wish reserved for the use of the mills. Also a Negro boy named George. Item 3rd To my Son William Bostick I leave the negroes Frank and Little Charles. Item 4th To my son Elijah Bostick I leave the land on which he now lives. and the negro Cudjoe. Item 5th To my son Elisha Bostick I leave the land on which he now lives and the negro man Barrack. Item 6th To my Daughter Elizabeth USHER I leave the two Tracts of Land lying on big Mountain Creek known by the name of the Perry Sprole Land. and The McLaen tract. also The Negroe women Agga and Hanna with her increase during her natural Life. and at her death the said Land Negroes. to be equally divided among the heirs of her body. Item 7th To my Daughter Anna Rush {or Push} I leave the negroes Little Hanna. Neol. and Amy. Item 8th To my Daughter Naomi Townsend I leave the Negroes. Rachel. Jordan. & Vilet. Item 9th To my Daughter Mary Bostick I leave the Negroes Betty. Mary. & Grace[?]. Item 10th To my son James Bostick I leave the Land on which he now lives. Bounded on the south by the Long branch. and by the creek on the East and the Negro boy Ransom. Item 11th To my son Tristram Bostick I leave besides the tract which I have given him after his mothers death. I leave him one half of the land and premises on which i live and as I design that he will live with and take charge of his mother during her life. I leave him half of negro Milley's increase at her (his mothers) death. also the other half of said Land will to her also the negro boy Berry. Item 12th The negroes Hardy Lydda & her Increase should she have any . Bobb. Dan & Jacob I want that they shall be sold. after my death. and after my must debts are discharged I wish the money arising to be divided equally between. Each of my surviving heirs Excepting Elizabeth USHER. to whoom. and heirs I have already given her portion. also Solomon Bostic. who stands Indebted to my estate in the sum of four hundren dollars. but on his refunding the same I wish him to draw an equal portion with the rent My fishery at the Grasyislands to be of Equal profits to each of my heirs-- A tract of 150 acres of land lying in Anson County I want sold when convenient and an equal division made among my surviving heirs. Excepts Elizabeth USHER. Lastly together with the land and premises which I have left to my beloved wife and my son Trishram I leave them all things assertaining to the same (viz) cattle. horse & hogs. plantations utentials. and I farther appoint and constitute Naomi Bostick my Beloved wife. Tristram Bostick & Elijah Bostick. Executors to this my last will and testament. In witness where of I hereunto set my hand and seal. This 25th April Eighteen hundred and twenty nine 1829 in presence of- Elisha Bostic X & Alexander Martin X WM BOSTICK (seal) Prove by Alexander Martin WD. Crawford c.c.c. *** Notes: Son : Samuel USHER married Elizabeth Bostick, dau of William Bostick and Naomi Sprolls who was the Granddau of Solon Sprolls(Sprawls) abt:1747-1822 & Mary Ann Thompson b. abt 1750.![]()
Contact: W. D. Bostick- wdbostick@aol.com ID: I26 Name: William Bostick (I) Birth: 15 OCT 1768 in Anson, Richmond Co, NC Death: 2 AUG 1829 in Richmond Co, NC Burial: Saron Cemetery, Richmond, NC Father: James Bostick b: ABT 1744 in Queene Anne Co., MD Mother: Comfort Love b: ABT 1751 Marriage 1 Naomi Sproles b: ABT 1773 in Richmond or Granville Co., NC Married: 24 MAR 1791 in Richmond or Granville Co., NC Children: Solomon Bostick b: ABT 1795 William Bostick (II) b: ABT 1798 in Richmond or Granville Co., NC Tristram Bostick (2) b: 10 APR 1805 in Richmond co., NC Elijah Bostick b: 14 APR 1802 in Richmond or Granville Co., NC Elisha Bostick (Dr.) b: 14 APR 1802 James (John?) Bostick b: 10 MAR 1800 Naomi Bostick b: 1811 Ann Bostick Mary Bostick Elizabeth Bostick married Samuel USHER. ======================================== Contact: W. D. Bostick- wdbostick@aol.com ID: I117 Name: Naomi Sproles Title: Sprawls Birth: ABT 1773 in Richmond or Granville Co., NC Death: JUL 1852 in Richmond, NC Father: Solomon Sproles (Sprawls) b: ABT 1747 in Tyrone Co., Ireland Mother: Mary Ann Thompson b: 1740 in Ireland Marriage 1 William Bostick (I) b: 15 OCT 1768 in Anson, Richmond Co, NC Married: 24 MAR 1791 in Richmond or Granville Co., NC Children: Solomon Bostick b: ABT 1795 William Bostick (II) b: ABT 1798 in Richmond or Granville Co., NC Tristram Bostick (2) b: 10 APR 1805 in Richmond co., NC Elijah Bostick b: 14 APR 1802 in Richmond or Granville Co., NC Elisha Bostick (Dr.) b: 14 APR 1802 James (John?) Bostick b: 10 MAR 1800 Naomi Bostick b: 1811 Ann Bostick Mary Bostick Elizabeth Bostick ======================================== Contact: Lee Ann Aigner- laaigner@hotmail.com ID: I2420 Name: James BOSTICK Given Name: James Surname: Bostick Sex: M Birth: ABT 1745 in Queen Anne, MD Death: APR 1823 in Richmond, NC Father: Thomas BOSTICK b: ABT 1686 in Queen Anne, MD Mother: Tamer Marriage 1 Comfort LOVE b: ABT 1750 in Queen Anne, MD Married: 1776 in Queen Anne, MD Children Tristram BOSTICK Thomas BOSTICK William BOSTICK Nathanial BOSTICK James, Jr. BOSTICK b: ABT 1773 in Anson, North Carolina Mary Ann BOSTICK Levi BOSTICK Elizabeth BOSTICK Sarah BOSTICK
USHER QUERY From: donna_l_USHER@bankone.com Sent: Friday, June 11, 2004 5:04 PM My name is Donna USHER. I was just on the Bostick Family Ancestors in Richmond County, NC websites looking for information on the Bostick family and the USHER family. I am interested in information you have about Samuel USHER and Elizabeth Bostick. I was interested to know when they were born and the names of their children. We were told that our great great grandfather was William Bostick USHER born July 22, 1824 in Richmond, No. Carolina. That his father was Samuel USHER and mother was Elizabeth Bostick. We do not have any information on Samuel or Elizabeth (Bostick) USHER. On the website it mentions that more information was coming on Elizabeth and Samuel USHER. Is there a website to find this information. If so can you let me know where that website is located. Or do you have any information on them you can send me??? Please reply. Here is some information I have on William B. USHER. Around 1850, William Bostick USHER, who was 24 years old, removed from North Carolina to Holmes Co., MS to be a school teacher. In 1851 he married Elizabeth Rebecca Elmore, one of his pupils. Her parents are William and Mary (Reynolds) Elmore of Holmes Co., MS. He then became a farmer. In 1862 he enlisted into the Civil War in Lexington, MS. After the war he continued farming. In 1869, William moved his family along with some of his wife's family to Graves Co. Kentucky were they lived until death. They became tobacco farmers. Most of their family are still living in the Graves Co., KY area. Can you help us with any information? ===================================== Hello, Can you tell me more about the part you mention about William Bostick USHER was a son & a daughter, Mary Anne USHER who married George Washington Bennett. Also, do you have a way to send me a copy of the picture of Mary Anne USHER Bennett. That would be great. The information I seek is about Samuel and Elizabeth USHER and their children? Do you have any information about Samuel and Elizabeth when they were born, married, died and all their children's information?? What I am looking for is information that shows that William B. USHER is the son of Samuel and Elizabeth USHER? Since our gg Grandfather William B. USHER moved from NC before the 1850 census we do not have him listed with his father and mother. One of the USHER's in Kentucky back in the 1970's was doing research on the family. He found a copy of a power of attorney from William B. USHER, of the County of Graves, Kentucky, appointing Samuel T. USHER of the County of Montgomery, North Carolina. (We thing Samuel T. USHER was his brother.) He appointed Samuel to sale two tracts situate in the County of Montgomery on the waters of Mountain Cheek's Creek containing about 453 acres, also one other tract situate in the County of Richmond, on the waters of Big Mountain Creek containing about 300 acres. It is dated 6th of December, 1880. This power of attorney is registered in the deed book 26, page 33, 1880. Montgomery Co., NC. About someone that died in Holmes Co., MS. In my research of William B. USHER in Holmes Co., MS, I found census records on another family of USHER's. William W. USHER, a physician. I wrote the information down, but did not know if he was related. It showed his birthplace as South Carolina. He was listed on the 1840 and 1850 census for Holmes Co., MS. In 1850 he is age 50, his wife was Mary, 39, children, William, 16, John D., 11 and Mary, 8. His wife Mary and all the children's birthplace is MS. In 1860 and 1870 I only found his son, John D. USHER, in Holmes Co., MS. (Could William W. USHER be related to Thomas USHER?) Thank you, Donna USHER: donna_l_USHER@bankone.com