James Douglass was the youngest son of Edward Douglass and Sarah George.
When he was born in 1762, his mother was 48. In 1767 when James was 5, the family moved to NC, near the Guilford Court House. The revolutionary war would have been fought while James was a teenager. By 1788 the family was in Gallatin, TN (Sumner Co.). James built a brick house, in which the county court sessions were held in 1788 and 1790. James Douglass was listed as "Register of the Court" from 1804 to 1836.
He and Catherine lived in Gallatin until their deaths. His will was dated Jan 24, 1851, "in which he completed gifts to each of 11 children amounting to 4300 dollars each or a total of $50,000 in land or cash and slaves".
There is a family cemetary in Gallatin where James is buried along with Catherine.
James and Catherine had 11 children:
For a link to Roger Moore's web page on the Douglass family click on Descendants of Edward Douglass while online. James Douglass is name #17.
"This picture of the old James Douglass home on the Douglass Pike 4 miles west of Gallatin, Tenn, was taken by Curtis Douglass. The brick house was built in around 1785 on West Station Camp Creek - in what was then still part of the territory of North Carolina. The elder Edward and his wife Sarah & their remaining children followed Edward Jr. & Elmo (who settled on 640 acres of land in 1786 on Station Camp Creek), Reuben and James - to Sumner Co. The house and burying ground were still there in 1920 when Curtis Douglass took the original picture and visited the burying ground. The house was dismantled in the 1930's." (JBT)
James Douglas Nov. 24, 1790; Jan. 15, 1791 Currituck Co. Will Book 1, p. 249 In the name of God Amen, I JAMES DOUGLAS of Currituck County and State of North Carolina, being weak in body but of sound memory (blessed be God) do this day it being the twenty foreth of November in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and ninety, make and publish this my Last Will and Testament in manner following, that is to say, First I give to my Son JAMES DOUGLAS fifty acres of land more or less it being the plantation whereon I now live, and in case my said Son JAMES DOUGLAS dies with- out issue I give and bequeath the same to my Son DEMSEY DOUGLAS, I also give to my said Son JAMES DOUGLAS one large iron pott, one gun, one bed and furniture, one sow and pigs, six head of sheep, one new pewter dish, two new pewter plates, and one cow and calfe. I also give to my Son DEMSEY DOUGLAS one large pot I also give to my Wife REBECAH DOUGLAS one mare and colt, one weaving loom and all my earethen ware, one iron pott, one chest, one bed and furniture. All the rest of my goods and chattels I give to my Sons ANTHONY DOUGLAS, DEMSEY DOUGLAS and JAMES DOUGLAS to be equally divided between them and my desire is that the part that falls to my Son JAMES DOUGLAS may be sold. And I make and ordain my Wife REBECAH DOUGLAS and WILLIAM TAYLOR executors of this my Last Will in trust for the interest and purposes in this my will contained. In witness whereof I the said JAMES DOUGLAS have to this my Last Will and Testament set my hand and seal the day and year above written. JAMES DOUGLAS seal his mark signed, sealed and delivered by the said JAMES DOUGLAS as and for his Last Will and Testament in presence of us who were present at the signing and sealing thereof JOHN WILLIAMSON his mark BENJAMIN PORTWOOD WILLIAM TAYLOR jurat Recorded and examined the 15th day of January Ano Dom 1791 =========================================================== Abel Dougles Sept. 4, 1788; Dec. 15, 1788 Currituck Co. Will Book 1, p. 236 In the name of God Amen, I ABEL DOUGLES of Currituck being of sound and perfect mind and memory of mind blessed be God do this day of September 4th day 1788 in the year of our Lord make and publish this my Last Will and Testament in manner following that is to say First I give and bequeath to my Wife REBEEKE I give 1 bed and bedsted and 2 chests, and one table, and one linning wheel, five pewter plates, and two pewter basons, and two pewter dishes and one large meal tub and iron pot and tramel and one bible, one chear and one cittle, two spoons and one jug and two bottles, one sat tub, several knives and forks and the waring clothes and a note of hand that come against me my maner plantation to my Son JEAMS and one colt, my silver shu buckles ne buckles silver buttons and one iron pot about eight gallons, one two year old heiffer one bed and furniture to my Son NOAH one bed and furniture to my Daughter NANCEY if are one of them dyes without are ther b??? to fall to my Son JEAMS, all the rest of my living in doors and out doors and nots of hand and buck accounts to my Son NOAH and my Daughter NANCEY the debts to be paid out of it and if are one of them dys without ares of their body to fall to other of them and I her(worn) mak and ordain my worthy friend ARCHEL SIMMONS executor of this my Last Will and Testament in witness whereof I the said ABEL DUGLES have to this my Last Will and Testa- ment set my hand and seal the day and year abov righten ABEL DOUGLES seal signed sealed published and declared by the said ABEL DUGLES the testator as his Last Will and Testament in the presence of us who wer present at the time signing and sealing thereof------------- JONATHAN TAYLOR jurat LEMUEL SIMMONS jurat JOSEPH TAYLOR jurat his mark Recorded and exam. the 15th day of Dec. 1788 ========================================================= John Douglass, 30 Dec 1807 - ORANGE COUNTY, NC by: Jacqueline Tilley Wilkerson - jwilkerson@visionet.org ========================================================== Orange County, North Carolina Will Book D, Page 224, 225 & 226 John Douglass - December 30, 1807 In the name of God Amen this thirtyeth day of December in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred & seven I John Douglass of Orange County and State of North Carolina being in perfect and sound mind and memory thanks be given unto almighty God for the same and knowing that it is appointed unto all men once to die, I do hereby constitute ratify and confirm this my last Will & Testament (That is to say) I first of all recommend my Soul and body into the hands of Almighty God who first gave them to be buried in a Christian like manner at the discretion of my Executors hoping at the general resurrection of the dead to receive the full forgiveness of my sins through Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior, and I do hereby give and bequeath of the same in the following manner - I bequeath unto my beloved wife Mary Duglass all the moveable property in my house that she may claim as her right during her life or widowhood with a certain negroe boy named Peter during her life or widowhood the moveable property in the House after Death or widow Hood to be equally divided between my two daughters Rosanna Duglass & Hannah Duglass & their heirs - Also the negroe boy Peter after her decease or widowhood to be sold and equally divided between my five children John Duglass George Duglass Adam Duglass Rosanna Duglass & Hannah Duglass & their Heirs - I also desire my son John Duglass to have two Hundred & fifty Dollars as his part of my land and plantation & his heirs- I also desire my son George Duglass to have two Hundred & fifty Dollars as his part of my land and plantation & his heirs - I also give unto my son Adam Duglass all my land with House & plantation after my two sons John and George receive their ? of the same ? I also request that my son Adam Douglass shall maintain ? mother decently and well during her life or widowhood if not she may draw her maintenance to live where she pleases. I desire also that my two daughters Rosanna Duglass Hannah Duglass may have their maintenance in my house aslong as they continue single - Also give unto my son George Duglass one negroe man named Leasen after he pay my son John Duglass one Hundred Dollars out of the said negroes value - I also unto my son Adam Duglass above mentioned one negroe man named Joseph with a feather bed & furniture with all the working tools belonging to the plantation with the horse bridle and saddle he now possess to him and his heirs- Also give unto my Daughter Rosana Duglass a young mare ? of Hannah, Mare with a bridle & saddle and a negroe woman with her increase name ?illa with a bed & furniture and one Desk - I also give unto my daughter Hannah Duglass one mare bridle and saddle and a negroe woman named Lucy with her increase also one covered trunk with a bed and furniture - I also desire that my stock of Cattle and Sheep be equally divided among my children. I also desire that my ? horse be left for the use and benefit of the plantation I also request that Peggy Walls & her son William Walls have ten Dollars each of them out of my Estate - I also request that a bay filly three years old be sold to pay Just Debts and charges - And I do appoint my beloved wife Mary Duglass and my son John Duglass as my heirs and Executor of this my last Will & Testament revoking and Disannulling all other and former wills and testaments by me made as witness I have hereunto set my Hand and seal the and year first above written Signed sealed and delivered John Duglass (seal) In the presence of - James Cain ) Thos. Holden ) Jurats Henry Burch ) Orange County Febry Term 1808 The Execution of the foregoing last Will and Testament of John Duglass decd was duly proved in open court by the oaths of Thos. Holden & Henry Burch subscribing witnesses thereto and ordered to be recorded - At the same time the Exrs therein mentioned qualified accordingly. ============================================================ Jerry McDaniel jmcdaniel@cavalry.com ID: I522 Name: James DOUGLAS Reference Number: 522 Sex: M Birth: ABT 1780 Death: 1821 in Granville County, North Carolina Note: Note: Inventory of the effects of James Douglas, brother of Abel, Archibald Gray, and John Rabon Douglas Inventory of the Estate of James Douglas, dec'd, taken by NancyDouglas, his wife, 1st September 1821 - Viz, Negro woman Delia,and child - woman Amy & Moses - 44-1/2 acres of land - 5 head ofhorses - 12 head of cattle - 30 head of hogs - 3 head of sheep -16 Geese - Interest in still - 5000 lbs. of tobacco -50 barrelsof corn - 1200 lbs. of pork - 2 stacks of fodder - 4 stacks ofoats - 1 hay stack - 2 grain cradles - 9 axes - 7 grubbing hoes13 Hilling and weeding hoes - 1 Foot adze - 1 Handsaw - 1Drawing knife - 3 Augers - 2 chizels - 8 plough hoes - 3Coutters - 1 Dagon Plough - a parcel of Mason's tools - parcelof shoemaker's tools - parcel of Cooper's tools - 3 wedges - 1Desk - 1 Bureau - 2 walnut tables - 1 pine table - 1 Cupboard -4 beds & furniture - 1 Cradle - 10 chairs -2 chests - 4 Dishes -22 plates - 10 table spoons 5 tea spoons - 1 Soup spoon - 10 knives & forks - 1 set of cupsand saucers - 1 pr. salt sellars - 1 bowl - 2 basins - 1 pitcher- 3 jugs- 1 decanter - 1 sugar dish - 1 cream pot - 5 bakingpans - 1 Looking Glass - 1 pr. Andirons 1 pr. Steelyards - 1man's saddle - 1 crank- 1 shovel - 1 pr. Smoothing irons - 1shot gun- 2 Bibles - 2 Hymn books - 1 slate - 1 small trunk, 1On Cast[ors] - 1 gigg shanny - 2 pr. Iron traces - 2 Iron pots -2 Ovens - 2 skillets - 1 tea kettle - 2 pr pott hooks - 2 Ironpottsacks - 2 spinning wheels - 3 pr. cotton cards - 4 raw hides - 7(bales?)Cotton - 4 pr. Harness - $400 in Cash (signed) Nancy Douglas State of North Carolina Granville County February Court AD 1822 the foregoing Inventory was duly returned on oath in open court by Nancy Douglas and ordered to be recorded ----- MISCELLANEOUS: NC Archives [CR 044. 508. 44] (Located by AlvisClegg) WILL: Will of James Douglass of Granville Co., NC 2 Aug 1821 James Douglass wills to have his body interred after the Methodist form of which fraternity he belongs and my debts paid; all remaining to be kept together for the support of my wife and six children, John Gray, Susanna Turner, James, Terrisha Len Henly, William Abel, and Archy Young Douglas, and my wife Nancy to have a child's part if she remarry and divide the rest to my six children. Exrs: my brother-in-law Len Henly Johnson, wife, Nancy Douglass. Wts: Jno. Sommerville, Dennis L. Kendrick, John D. Hanks, James Kendrick. WILL: Provided by North Carolina Archives by Alvis Clegg. Father: James DOUGLAS b: ABT 1745 Mother: Dorcas SMITH Marriage 1 Nancy JOHNSON b: ABT 1793 in Virginia Married: 21 OCT 1808 in Mechlenburg, VA Children John Gray DOUGLAS b: 1810 Susanna Turner DOUGLAS b: ABT 1812 James T. DOUGLAS b: ABT 1814 in North Carolina Terrisha Len Henly DOUGLAS b: ABT 1816 William Abel DOUGLAS b: 1818 in North Carolina Archibald Young DOUGLAS b: 26 MAY 1820 in North Carolina Elizabeth H. DOUGLAS b: 16 FEB 1823 in North Carolina ============================================================ http://searches.rootsweb.com/cgi-bin/ifetch2?/u1/data/nc+index+756591471560+F NC, Mecklenburg, The Long Creek Settlement and the Gum Branch The Long Creek Settlement and the Gum Branch East of the Catawba River, Mecklenburg County, North Carolina: A Genealogical Survey of the Neighbors and Allied Families of William and Nancy Ramsey William Ramsey - Head of Household 1790 U.S. Census: William Ramsey was a son of James and Margaret Ramsey, who immigrated from the Province of Ulster, Ireland, and settled on the North River of the Shenandoah in Augusta Co., VA before 1753. William Ramsey was born ca.1742 in PA, after his parents arrived there from the North of Ireland. He married before 12 Nov 1767, in Augusta Co., VA, Agnes/Nancy "Maria" BOYD, who was born 1744 in Ireland the daughter of Robert BOYD. William and Nancy Ramsey, along with Nancy's brother, John BOYD, settled on the Gum Branch of Long Creek, Mecklenburg Co., NC by 1769. On 20 June 1769, William Ramsey was a witness on a land deed conveyance from John Miller to John Buchannan for land on the waters of Gum Branch of Long Creek adjacent to John Boyd. On 30 Sept 1773, John Boyd conveyed his 300-acre land grant on Long Creek to William Ramsey located on both sides of Long Creek, including the forks to Tools' old fording and John Moore's line, crossing the creek and joining the land of James Douglass. On 10 Jan 1771, John Boyd and William Ramsey witnessed a deed from James and Sarah Tom to James Douglas for 200 acres on both sides of Long Creek, which included Miller's improvements and adjacent to John Anderson's line. On 1 Jan 1783, William Ramsey and John Johnston witnessed a deed from David McCord to John Buchannan for 200 acres on both sides of Long Creek about a half mile west of Tools' Road. This land was originally patented to John Moore in 1763, and sold to David McCord in 1772. Ramsey's in the North River Settlement of the Shenandoah on the head of Fischer's Creek. This tract of land was patented to Robert Boyd on 20 Sept 1768, and was later sold by John Boyd, heir of Robert Boyd, to Joseph Douglas on 8 May 1776. ======================================================== Douglas PASSENGERS OF THE "HENRY AND FRANCIS", 1685 to New Jersey. Charles Douglas William Douglas ============= ======================================= Contact: Ed Phipps - ephipps@pacthq.org ======== ID: I175 Name: James DOUGLAS Given Name: James Surname: Douglas Sex: M Birth: 1702 in Birdy County,North Carolina Death: in Georgia Change Date: 26 MAY 2000 at 14:18:30 Father: John DOUGLAS Mother: Agnes HORN Marriage 1 Elizabeth ? Married: 1727 in Birdy County,North Carolina Children Ann DOUGLAS b: 1746 in Birdie,Nc Kesia DOUGLAS b: 1735 James DOUGLAS b: 1737 ======== ID: I236 Name: John DOUGLAS Given Name: John Surname: Douglas NSFX: Of Tiliwilly Title: Of Tiliwilly Sex: M Change Date: 26 MAY 2000 at 14:26:29 Father: John Douglas DOUGLAS Mother: Grizel FORBES Marriage 1 Agnes HORN Married: 22 MAY 700 Children James DOUGLAS b: 1702 in Birdy County,North Carolina ======== ID: I248 Name: Isabel Given Name: Isabel NSFX: Granddaughter of Sir John Ramsay Title: Granddaughter of Sir John Ramsay Sex: F Change Date: 26 MAY 2000 at 14:41:16 Marriage 1 James DOUGLAS Children John Douglas DOUGLAS ======== ID: I243 Name: Grizel FORBES Given Name: Grizel Surname: Forbes Sex: F Change Date: 26 MAY 2000 at 14:37:24 Father: Thomas FORBES Mother: Jean RAMSAY Marriage 1 John Douglas DOUGLAS Children John DOUGLAS ======== ID: I237 Name: Agnes HORN Given Name: Agnes Surname: Horn Sex: F Change Date: 26 MAY 2000 at 14:25:44 Father: James HORN b: 1630 Mother: Isabella RAMSAY Marriage 1 John DOUGLAS Married: 22 MAY 700 Children James DOUGLAS b: 1702 in Birdy County,North Carolina ======== ID: I239 Name: Isabella RAMSAY Given Name: Isabella Surname: Ramsay NSFX: of Balmain Title: of Balmain Sex: F Change Date: 26 MAY 2000 at 14:27:27 Marriage 1 James HORN b: 1630 Children Agnes HORN ======== ID: I241 Name: Agnes TOUCH Given Name: Agnes Surname: Touch Sex: F Change Date: 26 MAY 2000 at 14:34:21 Marriage 1 John HORN Married: 12 FEB 1621 Children James HORN b: 1630 ======== ID: I238 Name: James HORN Given Name: James Surname: Horn NPFX: Reverand NSFX: of Elgin Title: of Elgin Sex: M Birth: 1630 Change Date: 26 MAY 2000 at 14:32:45 Father: John HORN Mother: Agnes TOUCH Marriage 1 Isabella RAMSAY Children Agnes HORN =========== ID: I74 Name: Ann DOUGLAS Given Name: Ann Surname: Douglas Sex: F Birth: 1746 in Birdie,Nc Death: 1824 in Richmond,GA Change Date: 24 MAY 2000 at 14:42:59 Father: James DOUGLAS b: 1702 in Birdy County,North Carolina Mother: Elizabeth ? Marriage 1 John WILKINSON b: 1744 in Isle Of Wight,Va Married: 1763 in Birdie,Nc Children Micajah WILKINSON b: 1766 in Wilkes Co,Ga Contact: Ed Phipps - ephipps@pacthq.org