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Kit 92134 , David Mason (1735-1808), F. J. Mason, FTdna Y-DNA 67 test,
Haplogroup R1a1, SNP M173+ M198+ M207+ M124- M157- M343- M56- M87- P98- PK5- SRY10831.2
Matches 37/37 with 72346

mtdna haplogroup H; HVR1 16239T, 16519C; HVR2 263G, 315.1C

Oldest Known Ancestor

1. David Mason ~1735-~1808 Bargaintown, Great Egg Harbor Township (then Gloucester now Atlantic County) New Jersey.  David married Abigail Garwood.  He is rumored to have emigrated to southern New Jersey from Blackbird Creek, New Castle Delaware prior to 1760. see: Wiki: Appoquinimink Hundred
2. Case or Casey Mason 1770-1850 Atlantic County New Jersey.  Case married Sarah Van Sant.
3. Edward Mason 1814-1873 Atlantic County New Jersey.  Edward married Beulah Kifcart.
4. Elijah Mason 1840-1919 Atlantic County New Jersey.  Elijah married Mary Johnson. Military: 25th New Jersey Volunteers Civil War.
5. John Mason 1863-1937 Atlantic County New Jersey.  John married Amy Fiske.
6. Frederick James Mason I 1892-1940 Atlantic County New Jersey.  Frederick married Lena Souder.
7. private Mason.
8. private Mason.

Descendants of David Mason
Generation No. 1
1. DAVID1 MASON was born Abt. 1731, and died 28 December 1808 (or January 1809?) in Great Egg Harbor Twp., Gloucester (now Atlantic), New Jersey. He married ABIGAIL GARWOOD Abt. 1753, daughter of THOMAS GARWOOD and MARY BALLINGER. She was born 13 Aug 1735 in New Jersey, and died Bef. 1808 in Egg Harbor Twp., Atlantic, New Jersey.
Notes for DAVID MASON:
1808, Dec. 28. Mason, David*, of Great Egg Harbor Twsp., Gloucester Co.; will of. Son, Thomas and his wife, Diamey, house and lot in Bargaintown purchased of John S. Somers, during their lives, then same to their
daughter, Polly Mason. Son, Case and his wife, Sarah, 20 shillings. Son, Elias, remainder of real estate until his son, Enoch Mason, is of age at which time Enoch inherits same. Son, Joseph Mason and my daughters, Isabella
Howsler, Jerutha Amett, Ablgail Hackett, Hannah Hackett and Rebecca Ireland, each 20 shillings (to be paid by son, Elias). Executors-son, Elias Mason* and John Price.* Niece, Polly Mason (daughter of Thomas Mason), one
cow. Witnesses-John S. Somers, Enoch Ingersoll. Proved Jan. 19, 1809.
1809, Jan. 9. Inventory, $298.68; made by Thomas Garwood and Enoch Ingersoll. File 2751 H.
*Signed by mark.
The Gloucester County Orphan's Court (FHL film #848541, pp. 2365-2372) records contain a "Report of the Division of the Estate of David Mason Deceas'd." The division of David's land was made 16 Mar 1811 and was
recorded on 18 Mar 1811. The following were named as children of David Mason and each received a portion of his land as described on the record: Elias Mason, Joseph Mason, Case Mason, Enoch Mason, Isabella Housler
(wife of David Housler), Abigail Hackett (wife of Zepheniah Hacket), Rebekah Ireland (wife of Amos Ireland), Hannah Hacket (wife of Richard Hackett), Jerusha Amit (wife of William Amit), Mary Stewart, Thomas Mason.
i. THOMAS2 MASON, b. Abt. 1756, Great Egg Harbor Twp., Gloucester (now Atlantic), New Jersey; m. DIAMEY.
ii. ISABELLA MASON, b. 19 Jul 1758, Great Egg Harbor Twp., (Gloucester (now Atlantic), New Jersey; d. 30 Jan 1842, Mount Holly,
Burlington, New Jersey1; m. DAVID HOUSLER, May 1781, Mount Holly, Burlington, New Jersey2; b. 11 Apr
1752, Mansfield Twp., Burlington, New Jersey3; d. 7 Nov 1836, Mount Holly, Burlington, New Jersey4.
From the "New Jersey Mirror," February 10, 1842 (Page 3, Column 1):
In Mount Holly, on January 30, 1842, Mrs. Isabella Housler, aged 83 years, 6 months, and 11 days.
iii. JERUSHA MASON, b. Abt. 1760, Great Egg Harbor Twp., Gloucester (now Atlantic), New Jersey; d. Aft. 1811; m. WILLIAM AMIT, Abt. 1780; b. Abt. 1758; d. Aft. 1811.
Notes for WILLIAM AMIT: Taxed at Great Egg Harbor Twp. (Gloucester Co.) in 1782. Taxed at Waterford Twp. (Gloucester Twp.) in 1786.
iv. JOSEPH MASON, b. Great Egg Harbor Twp., Gloucester (now Atlantic), New Jersey; d. 1833, Batavia Twp., Clermont, Ohio; m.
HEPZIBAH AMIT; b. Abt. 1760, New Jersey; d. Aft. 1850, Batavia Twp., Clermont, Ohio.
Notes for JOSEPH MASON: 1820 Federal Census Williamsburg Twp., Clermont, Ohio Joseph Mason 1 M 45+ 1 F 26-45
v. MARY MASON, b. Abt. 1768, Great Egg Harbor Twp., Gloucester (now Atlantic), New Jersey; m. WILLIAM STEWART, 12 Aug
1788, Mount Holly, Burlington, New Jersey.
vi. CASE MASON, b. Abt. 1770, Great Egg Harbor Twp., Gloucester (now Atlantic), New Jersey; d. Bet. 1850 - 1860, Egg Harbor Twp.,
Atlantic, New Jersey; m. SARAH VANSANT, 22 Sep 1798, Great Egg Harbor Twp., Gloucester (now Atlantic), New Jersey.
vii. REBECCA MASON, b. Abt. 1776, Great Egg Harbor Twp., Gloucester (now Atlantic), New Jersey; d. 25 Oct 1858, Egg Harbor Twp., 2
Atlantic, New Jersey5; m. (1) ISRAEL COVENOVER, 9 Jul 1798, Great Egg Harbor Twp., Gloucester, New Jersey; d. Bef. 1802, Great Egg Harbor Twp., Gloucester( now Atlantic), New Jersey; m. (2) AMOS IRELAND, 21 Oct 1802, Great Egg Harbor Twp., Gloucester (now Atlantic), New Jersey; b. Abt. 1770, New Jersey; d. Bet. 1840 - 1850, Egg Harbor Twp., Atlantic, New Jersey.
viii. ABIGAIL MASON, b. Abt. 1777, Great Egg Harbor Twp., Gloucester (now Atlantic, New Jersey); d. 23 Sep 1851, Egg Harbor Twp., Atlantic, New Jersey; m. ZEPHANIAH HACKETT, 25 Jul 1797, Egg Harbor Twp., Gloucester, New Jersey; b. 1774, New Jersey; d. Bet. 1850 - 1860, Egg Harbor Twp., Atlantic, New Jersey.
ix. ELIAS MASON, b. 4 Jul 1776, Bakersville, Great Egg Harbor Twp., Gloucester (now Atlantic), New Jersey; d. 20 Jan 1858, Egg Harbor Twp., Atlantic, New Jersey; m. TAMAR JOHNSON; b. 25 Jun 1791, New Jersey; d. 1 Jul 1863, Egg Harbor Twp., Atlantic, New Jersey.
x. HANNAH MASON, b. Abt. 1779, Great Egg Harbor Twp., Gloucester (now Atlantic), New Jersey; d. Bet. 1860 - 1870, Egg Harbor Twp., Atlantic, New Jersey; m. RICHARD HACKETT, 18 May 1799, Great Egg Harbor Twp., Gloucester, New Jersey; b. New Jersey; d. Bef. 1850.
1. New Jersey Mirror, "Obituary of Isabella (Mason) Housler," Page 3, Column 1, Published on 10 Feb 1842. "In Mount Holly, on January 30, 1842, Mrs. Isabella Housler, aged 83 years, 6 months, and 11 days."
2. National Archives, Revolutionary War Pension Application of Isabella (Mason) Housler, #R5266.
3. National Archives, Revolutionary War Pension Application of David Housler, #R5266.
4. National Archives, Revolutionary War Pension Application of Isabella (Mason) Housler, #R5266.
5. New Jersey State Archives, Death Certificate of Rebecca (Mason) Ireland, Volume A:366, No. 10, Recorded among Egg
Harbor (Atlantic Co.) Deaths 1857-1858.
NOTE:  Atlantic County NJ was separated from old Gloucester County NJ in 1837.  Great Egg Harbour Township later became several different Atlantic County municipalities including a smaller Egg Harbor Township.
(information added by Fred J. Mason II)


Delaware? > Atlantic Co. New Jersey USA


F. J. Mason, e-mail:

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