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Kit 38364: Y25 marker results reported 8/25/2005, private R1b1

Oldest Known Ancestor

Ralph Mason1 (b. 1600) England, immigrant 1635 to Suffolk Co, Boston, MA.
Andrew Mason2
Jacob Mason3
Nathaniel Mason4
Elias Mason5 (1740-1781) widow of Elias and children6 to Crawford, PA by 1797

MASON, "RALPH, Boston, came in the Abigail, from London, 1635, was a joiner of Southwark, aged 35; with w. Ann, 35, the age perhaps careless. insert. and ch. Richard, 5; Samuel, 3; and Susan, 1; had here Zuriel, b. 11 Apr. 1637; John, 15 Oct. 1640; Jacob, 12 Apr. 1644; and Hannah, 23 Dec. 1647. But his will of 11 Jan. 1673, pro. 23 Jan. 1679, names only aged w. and the ch. Richard, Samuel, Susanna, John, and Jacob. Susanna m. 14 Dec. 1659, William Norton.  RICHARD, Boston, prob. s. of the preced. m. 20 Nov. 1660, Sarah, d. of Henry Messenger, had Sarah, b. 3 Sept. 1661; Jacob, 17 Oct. 1662; Simeon, 23 Mar. 1664; and John, 9 Mar. 1671.  ROBERT, Roxbury, where his w. d. Apr. 1637, rem. to Dedham, there d. 15 Oct. 1667. His s. John, Robert, and Thomas, who may all have been b. in Eng. had admin. of his est."

MASON, "JACOB, Boston, s. of Ralph, prob. the instrument maker, of wh. Judge Sewall notes the d. 9 Feb. 1695, by w. Rebecca had Elizabeth b. 29 July 1671, d. soon; Elizabeth again, 23 Apr. 1676; Hannah, 25 May 1678; Jacob, 23 Apr. 1680; Rebecca, 24 Aug. 1681; and Joseph, 9 Feb. 1684."

4th July, 1635
"In the Abbigall de Lo: p'r Cert. From the minister and Justices of peace of St. Ollives Southwark:
Ralph Mason 35 Joyner
Anne Mason 35 Wife
Richard Mason 5 Child
Samuell Mason 3 Child
Susan Mason 1 Child"


Southwark, England > Boston MA > Chester, PA > Sussex, DE > Crawford, PA by 1797


Pat Clare Harris --

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