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Kit 13844 - Jonathan Mason (1804 MD-1872 OH USA) - Emmett E. Mason, Y111, FF
R1a1a1, aka R-M417 (M417+ M198+ PK5- P98- M64.2- M56- M458- M434- M157.1- L176.1- L175- L12-

Current tree chart:

Ysearch S3V54
See also 157555 66/67 match

mtDNA haplogroup K1a4a1
HVR1: 224C, 311C, 519C;
HVR2: 73G, 195C, 263G, 315.1C, 497T
Full Genetic Sequence has been tested/reported; 3 matches as of 5/15/2011 but no genealogy connections known
Note: Margaret Neal (b. 1789 NJ USA) oldest known female ancestor
Mitosearch XNAFC

Oldest Known Ancestor

?? Mason1 (b. abt 1780 MD?) details unknown.  A current assumption is that John Mason (of 1820 Fairfield Co. Ohio Census) and/or Sarah Mason (of 1830 Fairfield Co. Ohio Census) is/are parent(s).  Several Mason brothers, including my ancestor, and appear in Violet township, Fairfield Co. Ohio.  These y-dna results should also fit male descendants of Henry Mason2, Michael Mason2, Thomas Mason2, Jesse Mason2, John A. Mason2, and David Mason2 of Fairfield Co. OH area.  And "possibility"  the older Henry Mason1 and his son Nelson Mason2 of Maryland & Fairfield Co. OH
Jonathan Mason2 (b. 1804 probably Maryland) moved to Fairfield Co. OH, then in 1830s, Jonathan Mason moved from Fairfield Co. Ohio to Goshen Twp. Hardin Co. Ohio where he died in 1872.  The 1883 History of Hardin Co. OH indicated Jonathan Mason "came from Virginia"; however, most census entries indicate a Maryland birthplace for him and his brothers.  Several of his sons moved west to Nebraska:
Loyd L. Mason
3 and Leroy S. Mason3 to Nemaha Co. and Charles D. Mason3 and Thomas J. Mason3 to Richardson Co. Nebraska.
Findley E. Mason4
(b. 1867 Hardin Co. OH, d. 1936 Nemaha Co. NE) moved with parents to Nemaha Co. NE.
Peter C. Mason5
(b. 1890 Nemaha Co. NE, d. 1967)
Roger C. Mason6
--Mark C. Mason7
Emmett E. Mason6
(1932 ~)

R1a1a (R-M417) | Ysearch S3V54 | Ybase O9DYM | Yhrd hits | SMGF hits |

R1a1 conjecture reference by Underhill 2003, in the Wayback Machine archive link

DYS19=15 and YCAIIa,b=19,21 specific to "Western European" & "Central Asian Norse" R1a1;
DYS19=16 and YCAIIa,b=19,23 specific to Eastern European R1a1.

Ethno Ancestry YSTR test
Dr. Wilson sent David Faux the following reply in relation to a query concerning to the matter of "performance characteristics" of the YSTR10 unique markers:
"There are fast, slow and middling markers among these ten. 549 and 522 are the fastest and so will help to distinguish closely related lineages. 575, 638, 494 and 556 are slower markers, which may be useful in identifying novel sub-clusters if a non-modal value is observed. All ten will help to determine whether a match is due to a common ancestor in the time frame of surnames." 11/22/2006.

Further study references:
Mason, Charles county MD, Early Families of Southern Maryland, Vol. 8 WB211
Mason, Prince county MD, Early Families of Southern Maryland, Vol. 8 WB211
Mason, Virginia VA Virginia Genealogies CC2630
The several "John Mason" men in the 1810 Maryland Census


assumed England > Maryland Colony > VA? > Fairfield Co. OH ca. 1815> Hardin Co. OH ca. 1836> Nemaha Co. Nebraska about 1872.


Emmett Mason --

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