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Kit 121784, John Mason (1788-? County Durham, England), William Mason Merle, Test: Y-DNA67
Y Haplogroup R1b1 Ysearch 8ZN8K

Oldest Known Ancestor

John Mason (b. May 1788), m. Phillis Watson (18 Jan, 1812 Stanhope Eng.); Ralph MASON (b. 1811 d. ?); Peter Mason (1849-1914), m. Mary Gardner; William Mason (b. 1899); Mason (??-??); William Mason Merle (??-??)

My great grandfather was Peter Mason (1849-1914), born in Durham, England.  His father [gggrandfather] Ralph moved from Weardale, in Stanhope parish, probably St. Johns, as a child. He lived in Hetton-le-Hole, Durham, England, and emigrated with his wife Mary Gardner abt 1873 to Michigan. A few years later he moved to Ohio, living in Hocking, Perry, and Athens counties. He died in 1914 in Nelsonville, Athens Co. He had: Ralph (b. 1871 Eng, m Phoebe Ray, Ohio), John (b. 1876 Eng), Dora (b 1879, Michigan m Albert Spencer), Lillian (b. 1883), Peter (b 1886, Ohio, m Elizabeth, PA), William Mason (b 1889 -- my grandfather, m Ellen (Nellie) Dalrymple). John apparently became estranged from the family. Possibly married Annie Dilley in Ohio. Ralph became part owner in a coal mine near Pittsburgh, PA, and moved to Pittsburgh. He disappeared. Family legend has it he went to Texas. Peter lived in Elsworth, near Pittsburgh. Last heard from in 1963. William moved to Kinloch, PA where he raised his family working as a boss in the mine his brother partly owned. Would like to connect with descendents of my grandfather's siblings and people with Mason roots in County Durham, England.
Linda Mason Merle [taken from]

Hi I am looking for relations of Peter MASON who immigrated to Michigan and then Ohio with his wife Mary GARDINER. I am descended from their son William MASON who moved to Western PA with his brothers in the early part of the last century. One son, possibly named Peter, moved to Texas.
Peter was the son of Ralph Mason and Elizabeth URWIN of Hetton le Hole, County Durham, England. I've done additional research on this line in England.
Linda Merle [taken from]

Researching MASONs in Durham (Hetton le Hole, Chester le Street). Mine immigrated to Ohio around 1880 (Peter MASON/Mary GARDNER).
Linda Mason Merle [taken from]


County Durham, England > Michigan, USA> Ohio, USA > Pennsylvania USA (another branch Texas USA)


William Mason Merle,  contact Linda Merle

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