Welcome to Brunswick County

Brunswick County was named in honor of the town of Brunswick, which was named for King George 1, Duke of Brunswick and Lunenberg. Brunswick County was formed from New Hanover and Bladen in 1764. It is in the Southeastern section of the State and is bounded by the Atlantic Ocean, the Cape Fear River, the state of South Carolina, and Columbus, Pender, and New Hanover Counties. The County Seat is Bolivia

Some Surnames

Abshire, Allen, Allison, Anderson, Armstrong, Arnett, Arnold, Atkinson, Autry, Avant, Avery

Babson, Bacot, Baggett, Baker, Barefoot, Barker, Barnhill, Basford, Balton, Branch, Beck, Biery, Beery, Bell, Bellamy, Bennett, Benton, Best, Betts, Betty, Bible, Biddle, Biggs, Bird, Bishop, Blankmon, Blakeley, Bland, Blantan, Blanton, Bonham, Boone, Bornemann, Boswell, Bowen, Bozeman, Bradford, Brady, Braton, Brewer, Bright, Brillhart, Brillhard, Brinkly, Brooks, Brown, Borwning, Bryant, Burchett, Burris, Bushall, Byrd

Cail, Cain, Caison, Campbell, Canady, Cannady, Cannor, Cantrell, Capps, Carew, Carlisle, Carlefe, Carr, Carroll, Carter, Cartrette, Cason, Causey, Chaires, Chalkley, Champion, Chapman, Chears, Cheers, Chesnutt, Chestnut, Chinnis, Chicken, Clay, Clemmons, Clewis, Cliff, Clifton

Dafford, Danford, Daniel, Daniels, Davis, Dayton, DeWildt, Dement, Divane

Eady, Edenfield, Edens, Edwards, Elender, Elkins, Ellizer, Evans, Everett

Fair, Farmer, Farnham, Faulk, Felts, Fenford, Ferebee, Fields, Finklen, Fipps, Flowers, Floyd, Foreman, Formyduval, Fowler, Freeman, Frink, Frinks, Fulenwider, Fulford, Fullwood

Gainey, Gallaway, Galloway, Ganey, Gause, Geer, Gennette, Gibson, Godfrey, Godwin, Goodman, Gore, Gores, Graham, Graves, Gray, Grayson, Green, Grefseett, Gregg, Griffin, Grimes, Grissete, Grissett, Grissetts, Gunnersen, Gurganious, Gurganus

Hains, Hall, Hankins, Hardee, Hardy, Hargrave, Hargraves, Harper, Harrell, Harrelson, Harrington, Harrleson, Hart, Hartsfield, Hawes, Haws, Hayes, Heath, Henry, Herendon, Herring, Hewett, Hetitts, Hibbits, Heweyy, Hickerson, Hickman, Hill, Hilbourne, Hilburn, Hillburn, Hinchey, Hiram, Hoffpauir, Holden, Holmes, Holt, Hooper, Horn, Horne, Horton, Hotchkiss, Howe, Hubbard, Huffman, Hufham, Hughes, Hughs, Huit, Huitt, Humphrey, Humphreys, Huzett

Ikner, Inman, Ira

Jacobs, Jane, Jeanerett, Jeanerette, Jeffcoat, Jenerett, Jenerette, Jenrett, Jewell, Jinwright, John, Johns, Johnson, Joiner, Jones, Jordan, Jordon, Joyner

Kanady, Kelly, Kennedy, Kersey, Kershaw, King, Kirby

Lambert, Lampley, Lankford, Lassiter, Lay, Lee, Leher, Lehew, Lehu, Lennon, Leonard, Lewis, Liles, Linch, Lisilin, Little, Littles, Lockhart, Long, Longs, Lovel, Lowery, Loy, Ludlum, Lyman, Lynch, Lynn

MacGraugh, MaHaney, Manning, Marlow, Martindale, Marton, Mary, Massey, McClam, McCoy, McCumbee, McDonald, McDowell, McGlawn, McGlothlin, McIntosh, McKay, McKee, McKeithen, McLamb, McLauren, Mears, Meekins, Mereer, Mexen, Middleton, Miligan, Miliken, Millet, Millican, Milligan, MIlliken, Mincey, Mintz, Mitchell, Montross, Mooney, Moore, Morgan, Morrison, Moss, Mullengton, Murray, Myurrell

Nance, Nation, Neal, Neale, Neideffer, Newton, Niewolf, Nobles, Norris, Northrop

Ochiltree, Ollever, Orde, Outlaw

Parker, Pasquonette, Peavy, Pendergast, Penny, Perry, Peterson, Phelp, Phelps, Pierce, Piggott, Pigott, Pinner, Pitman, Piver, Platt, Potter, Potters, Pounds, Preston, Price, Prince, Proctor, Pugh

Quick, Quince

Rabon, Raven, Ray, Reaves, Redwine, Reed, Reedwine, Reetwhile, Reeves, Register, Reetweil, Renner, Reves, Reynold, Reynolds, Rhodes, Rhotwein, Ricks, Repley, Ritwider, Roan, Robbins, Roberson, Roberts, Robeson,Robinson, Roderick, Rogerson, Rollo, Rotewinde, Rothwell, Rourk, Rouse, Rowan, Rowell, Rushing, Ross, Russell, Rutland

Samuel, Sanders, Savant, Sayor, Scoggins, Scull, Sellars, Sellers, Sessions, Shan, Sheffee, Sheefield, shelley, shipman, Sidbury, Simmons, Simms, Simpson, Sims, Skinner, Skipper, Smith, Snider, Soles, Soules, Spencer, Stanaland, Standley, Stanley, Stappis, Steetz, Stephens, Stevens, Stocks, Stone, streety, Strickland, Stutes, Suggs, Suliven, Sullivan, Swain, Sykes

Tate, Taylor, Tharp, Tharpe, Thomas, Thompson, Thornton, Thorp, Thorpe, Todd, Treadaway, Trout, Tull


Varnam, Varnum, Vause, Vernon

Wade, Walker, Wallace, Walls, Walton, Ward, Watkins, Watson, Watts, West, Wilkins, Wilderson, Willett, Willet, Willets, Willetts, William, Williams, Williamson, Willoughby, Wingate, Woodside, Wooten, Wortham, Wynn, Wynne


Some Data Links

Brunswick County,NC Archives
Clemmons Family
Dugger Family
Inman Family
Lewis Family
Cyndi's List of Genealogy Sites for North Carolina
Genealogy Search Engines

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