GRIST & KNOX -- Deed - 1812
Contributed by Kathleen Wilde
This Indenture made this Second day of January in the Year of our Lord one Thousand eight hundred & Twelve between DAVID KNOX of the County of Beaufort and State of North Carolina of the one part And READING GRIST of the county & State aforesaid of the other part. Witnesseth that the said DAVID KNOX for and in consideration of the Sum of Two hundred dollars to him in hand paid at and before the sealing and delivering of these presents by the said READING GRIST the receipt whereof I do hereby acknowledge. Have granted bargained & Sold, conveyed & confirmed. And by these presents, do grant, bargain, sell, convey & confirm, unto the said READING GRIST, his heirs executors, administrators and assigns. All that tract or parcel of Land purchased by me of THOMAS WOOLARD, purchased by THOMAS WOOLARD of GEORGE ASKEW, purchased by GEORGE ASKEW of me the aforesaid KNOX purchased by said KNOX of ABNER PEARCE, which was patented by LAZARUS PEARCE SENIOR, the Father of said ABNER and conveyed by the said LAZARUS in his Last will & Testament to his Son the said ABNER bounded as Follows.
Beginning at a pine on the Edge of the Gallberry at the head of the lower prong of Bear Creek and runs South eighteen Et– Two hundred & ten poles to a pine then No. Sixty three Et. Eighty seven poles too RICHARD GRISTS line, then with his line to a Small Branch which is called the Pig pen Branch then with the said Branch to the Beginning - containing one Hundred acres be the same more or less referred to the Deed from a ABNER PEARCE to the aforesaid KNOX , will more Fully appear.
To Have and to hold the aforesaid, and describing piece or parcel of Lands, to the said READING GRIST his hears and assigns Free and clear from the claim or claims, of any person or persons whatsoever, forever.
In Witness whereof I the said DAVID KNOX hath hereunto set his hand and seal the day and year above written.
The word "was" interlined before
Signed Sealed and delivered
in presence of
March Term 1812 Certified that this deed from DAVID KNOX to READING GRIST for 100 acres of Land, was proved in Court by the oath of RICHARD GRIST - a Witness thereto let it be Registered.
Tho. Smaw Clk